Central Georgia Electric Membership Corporation is owned by those we serve, and as always, we are committed to providing our customer-owners with reliable, competitively priced electric service. We strive to keep all costs as low as possible while meeting present and future demands for service. Central Georgia EMC’s rates are consistently among the lowest in the state.
Standard rate categories exist for residential and farm service, small and large general service, irrigation service, and outdoor lighting service. Special commercial rates are available for competitive accounts with over 900 kW of the connected load. To obtain available rates for specialized applications, please contact our local Central Georgia EMC office.
An account will be past due if not paid within fifteen (15) days after the date of the bill. A cutoff date is shown on the next month’s bill. Payment for the past due amount must be received in our office before the cutoff date. If you are disconnected for non-payment, a service charge, the past due bill, and a deposit equivalent to three (3) months usage may be required. These must be paid before service is reconnected.
An account becomes delinquent if any check is returned by your bank, and payment is due immediately. You will be notified via CGEMC’s automated account notification system if a check is returned on your account. There is a $25.00 handling charge for all returned checks. Failure to remit payment upon notification will result in disconnection of services.