Please make plans to join us for Central Georgia Electric Membership Corporation's (CGEMC) Annual Meeting of Members on Wednesday, August 4, 2021. The meeting will be conducted in a "drive-through" format.
To allow more time for the flow of traffic, registration will open no later than 8 a.m. Members will enter the CGEMC campus via Co-op Way (between Highway 36 and Brownlee Road) and remain in their vehicles for the duration of the meeting. Employees will direct traffic to the registration area. There will be portable toilets and sanitizing stations available on-site.
Cooperative information will be broadcast over a designated radio station in advance of the business meeting. Food and CGEMC buckets will be distributed to members in their vehicles. In lieu of door prizes, attending members will receive a bill credit for the qualifying account registered.
The business meeting will be broadcast at 10 a.m. over members' car radios. Upon conclusion of the meeting, we will draw from the pool of all registered members for one grand prize and post the winner on our social media channels.
Download your 2021 Annual Meeting Registration Form.