Looking forward to 2021, I am excited about the many opportunities ahead of us. I foresee continuing many of our traditional efforts, such as providing a great value for Central Georgia EMC (CGEMC) members and having a positive impact in the communities we serve. I am eager to watch our gas subsidiary, Fuel Georgia, continue to grow to offset operating costs for our electric consumers.
We are planning to increase our utilization of electric vehicles within the CGEMC fleet in the coming year. Also, we are on track to expand our carbon-free energy portfolio in 2021 with a 46% increase in solar and nuclear resources.
I am very excited about the role that CGEMC is taking to fill in the expansion of broadband service across our territory. We have worked diligently for two years on potential solutions, and I am hopeful for some major announcements during the first quarter of 2021.
Though we look forward to all that the new year brings, we remain committed to providing you (our customer-owners) the highest quality services at the lowest practicable cost. Thank you for being an important member of our cooperative family.
— George L. Weaver, CGEMC President/CEO