Central Georgia EMC (CGEMC) announced plans to begin deployment of a system-wide fiber to the home (FTTH) network for operational use. A partnership with Conexon to maximize the value of this network by making gigabit speed broadband available to every CGEMC consumer was also announced. Conexon is a full-service fiber broadband solutions provider working exclusively with electric cooperatives. CGEMC will own the fiber network and Conexon will deliver retail broadband service through its internet service provider (ISP) subsidiary, Connect.
“It took an intense two-year search to find the right broadband partner,” said CGEMC President/CEO, George Weaver. “Conexon’s commitment to making high-speed broadband available to every CGEMC consumer was critical in the decision-making process.”
This project represents a $150 million investment in the CGEMC service territory. To expedite network deployment, Monroe County and the Monroe County Board of Education (BOE) committed to $1 million in CGEMC project funding.
“We are grateful for the Monroe County and Monroe County BOE contributions to help expedite deployment in that community. We are hopeful consumers will begin receiving retail broadband service from our fiber network as early as this summer, but additional local, state, and federal funding will be required to sustain an aggressive project schedule,” said Weaver.