The Central Georgia EMC Foundation has awarded grants to some fantastic organizations for February! These groups have made it their mission to help people.
The following grants were awarded:
- Make-A-Wish Foundation: $1,000
- Giving Health, Inc. - $2,000
- MM Hope House, Inc. - $2,000
- Jay’s HOPE Foundation - $2,500
- Ferst Readers, Inc. - $2,000
- Henry For Music, Inc. - $3,000
- Butts County Heartland - $2,100
Central Georgia EMC Foundation is proud to assist these organizations in their efforts. Operation Round Up allows us to donate grant money to causes such as Jay's HOPE for their 2023 HOPE Retreat.
“This retreat was started three years ago as a way to focus on the needs of our families who had lost a child to cancer.” Development Director Christie Johnson said. “The goal for the weekend is not to fix the situation or make the grief disappear. Our only desire is to play a small part in their journey by providing a safe place to share their stories, opportunities to connect with other families, and to encourage and renew their hope.”
Thank you to all of the Central Georgia EMC Members for participating in Operation Round Up. The average participant's monthly donation is fifty cents, but that "change" makes a big difference in our local communities.