In compliance with O.C.G.A. § 44-12-236 of the Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act, CGEMC is attempting to locate former customer-owners whose capital credits checks were issued in 2018 but have been returned by the U.S. Postal Service as undeliverable or have otherwise been unclaimed.
A list indicating the names of these former customer-owners can be found by visiting our website at, or by viewing the list at our office located at 923 S. Mulberry St., Jackson, GA 30233. If you know the correct address of these individuals or have any helpful information, please contact our office or notify the person to contact CGEMC before August 30, 2024, by calling 770-775-7857 or 1-800-222-4877.
If not claimed by August 30, 2024, the funds will be designated for charitable uses as permitted by O.C.G.A. § 44-12-236.